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Once we have a gas, the way to get to the plasma, It can be by raising the temperature or also generating an electric shock, which causes ionization. Ionization is also achieved by irradiating the gas with high-energy electromagnetic waves.. The 99% of the total ordinary matter of the cosmos is in the plasma state. The Sun is a gaseous mass in a plasma state.
Bose-Einstein condensate
It is a state of matter that is reached when a system made up of atoms is cooled to temperatures close to absolute zero.. In this state, macroscopic manifestations of quantum phenomena appear that occur in atoms and are observed in the collective behavior of a system.. The system behaves in a very particular way, in which their collective properties correspond to the behavior of a single atom.
Quark-Gluon Plasma
When two nuclei collide at high speed, The nuclear matter that forms them undergoes a considerable increase in temperature and density. Under these conditions, the nucleons are expected to dissolve into their constituents.: quarks and gluons. At subnuclear levels, all fields such as the magnetic field or the gluon field, They behave like particles. Therefore, the quark-gluon plasma arises when nucleons go from an individual state to a soup of quarks and gluons..
Advanced states of matter are taken into account in theoretical physics to see how space-time responds to these types of exotic matter..
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